Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Eye of the Tiger

She was a lion last year (neighbors are still shaking in their boots from her terrible roar). This year she will terrorize the community as a TERRIBLE TIGER!!

practicing her ROAR on her brother

We headed out to the local Halloween Trail last night. So much fun, it reinforced why I love where we live. There were lots of familiar faces from the Parks & Recreation  department, many who came over to admire Lila & Elijah's costumes.

Elijah was a black & white puppy (it's a hand-me-down, I won't tell him if you won't). At first he seemed thrilled with his costume:

Once the hat was donned, things started to turn ugly:

After 45 minutes of games and great costume-watching, his mood had lifted and we were graced with that beautiful smile again:

There was an adult-sized Lion there to represent the Lions club, or something like that. Lila was FASCINATED. She decided that the two great hunters of the jungle should meet:

Totally unrelated, but I'd like to recognize my amazing hubby. Our backyard patio was a disaster. Kind of bean-shaped, it had another bean-shaped hole in the middle that once had a tree, but was now just a big pile of dirt. The roots from the felled tree had lifted up massive portions of the patio, making it unsafe for little feet. It was also just a huge patio, leaving very little actual yard in the back.

So, hubby dearest redesigned the patio, demolished the old one, and installed a new one using the old bricks. Behold:

Isnt' it gorgeous? Wonderful design, and flat as can be, allowing for our wee ones to play without fear of tripping. See all the dirt area? That will be lovely green grass!!! Cannot wait. How amazing is my husband?!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

What falls in the fall...

I do love the fall. I love football season, the smell of the leaves, the crispiness of the air, apple picking, pumpkin carving, and the anticipation of all the holidays on the horizon! Now that I have two adorable wee ones, this season is infinitely sweeter. Watching Lila prowl around her in Halloween costume is priceless (pictures forthcoming, I promise). Her excitement is palpable. All car rides are now peppered with "Mommy! I see red leaves! Mommy! I see orange leaves!" Perhaps Elijah is a bit too young to understand, but that doesn't damper my happiness at seeing him experience his first Halloween with his family.

The perfect start to celebrate the harvest? Pumpkin patches!

I think this smile is 100% Lila.

She won this herself! Threw a ball and hit a flying pumpkin!


Lila & Mimi look for the Queen Bee.

Maybe you'll be big enough next year, Doodlebug.

That's more like it!

Look at those curls bounce...

Inspecting a possible pumpkin with Mimi.

Lila with her loot!

This place was amazing. Check it out!

Eli was in the carrier so I realized there were no pics of my beautiful boy! This must be remedied...

Those eyes.

Look out, he's on the move! Seriously, this boy gets into everything.

What? I like mac & cheese.