Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Some pictures...'cause I'm too lazy to think of a post

I do plan on writing more on our trip to Ethiopia, I promise. I am, however, waaaay too tired this evening to do much more than comment on some pictures. Honestly, I'm pretty impressed with myself for actually transferring the pictures to the computer. So there.

Uncle Jerry followed through on his promise to take Lila fishing! They caught some tadpoles in the stream at Ya Ya & Grandpa's house. Lila was ecstatic.

A few weeks ago the kids and I made a trek to Mimi & Papa's house. This was Elijah's first visit and I can say with certainty that it was a smashing success. Elijah loved having his Mimi & Papa all week, loved the dogs, lake, beach and pool. I loved staying in "the cave." The two bedrooms in the basement have no windows and are cool, dark and absolutely divine for sleeping. My kids have never slept so well. It was glorious. Here are some pictures from that visit:

Elijah's first romp in the pool!

Lila is rethinking her decision to ignore Mommy's advice and drink the lake water anyway.

Elijah's first day at the beach! No sand eating, I was thrilled.

She likes him! She really likes him!

He's taking to sucking on my chin. I'm pretty sure it's a teething thing...gross, but cute.

I hate that this picture is blurry...but I love it so very much.


  1. Wow, your children are so beautiful! Congratulations!

    We are nearing the end of the adoption process ourselves. I noticed you have a link to Junk Posse on your blog ... if you are interested we are hosting a Junk Posse giveaway for a $150 gift certificate. $5 buys an entry, and if you blog/tweet/facebook about it and tell her on HER blog, she'll choose one person and give them a little something extra!

    Our blog is http://thelemanskis.blogspot.com/2010/07/junk-posse-gift-certificate.html.

    Congratulations again!

  2. Awesome pics, I love that last one too, SO sad it's blurry. My son Mark (2) stood over my shoulder and was like "Jesse!!!" pointing to the pics of E. Not quite, but funny. :)
