Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Six months home, Christmas, and other miscellany...

It's been so very long since I've posted, so much to talk about! But I must begin with our Christmas triumph. About two years ago, my darling girl lost this random plastic dinosaur she had named "Wheezie" (after the dragon on Dragon Tales). Seriously, this thing was lost a LONG time ago. Unfortunately, Lila has a freakishly good memory, and thus she has never given up hope that Wheezie might someday return. My memory not being so great, all I could remember was that my mom had gotten "Wheezie" at the local Walmart and I vaguely recalled that it had something to do with Dora. Thankfully, Wheezie came in a package with two other dinosaurs that hadn't been lost, so my most amazing and resourceful hubby was able to track it down using some serious internet cunning and the stamped product number on the other dinosaur's foot! To be honest, I pride myself in my researching capabilities, so I was a bit jealous that I was not the one to find the treasure online, but I digress...

Lila had no clue. Here is her reaction opening up her beloved "Wheezie"...

Every time I think of her reaction I giggle. It was priceless. Also one of those rare moments where you truly manage to get exactly what your kid wants for Christmas.

I will admit that a rather big event went rather unobserved in this house due to the overall holiday chaos. My little man celebrate 6 months home on December 14th. Most of the time I absolutely cannot believe it's only been a mere 6 months, he is so very much an integral part of this family: it simply wouldn't work without him.

At 16 months he is now walking and making quick progress on running (Lord help me). He is quick to laugh and quick to cry...full of emotion is my little guy. Not to be outdone by his very dramatic expressive big sister, Elijah can put on quite a production when he doesn't get his way. He says "Mama," "Dada," "Bubba" (the dog), and "Ball." He also postively lights up when you say the word "snack." I've actually witnessed him tremble with anticipation and excitement at mealtime, hence his Lila-given nickname, "Snacks." He still prefers to be held and cuddled most of the time, mainly by me (you should see my biceps). He is definitely a mama's boy, through and through, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

The way my kids play together frequently fills my heart to the bursting point. Sure, we have our fair share of sibling rivalry and drama, but on the whole I think it's pretty clear that my kids adore each other. Lila has taken to big sisterhood with a joy and energy only she could posses. The other day Elijah was heading for the stairs and I asked her to please hold him off so I could walk over and shut the gate. From the end of the hallway I watched my daughter FULL BODY TACKLE my son at the foot of the stairs. Such was her fear that Elijah might climb the stairs and get hurt. Quite the mother hen, she is. Now we just need to work on using a slightly gentler approach...

But the love is there. Behold...

Words cannot even begin to describe how thankful I am that he is my son. As I sit here typing my eyes fill thinking about how scary and chaotic the first few months of his life must have been. How strong he must be to have survived and grown to become the amazing toddler he is today. I think of a newborn baby boy left behind a bush in the cold Ethiopian night and I can barely stand it, my heart aches that I cannot take away that part of his story. I also think (with a gratitude I will never be able to fully express) of the nannies, nurses, and doctors at the orphanage who clearly doted on my little boy. One of the doctors had nicknamed him "September," because she thought he was just so sparkly and bright. I am beyond joyful that he came to be mine. I get to walk into his room each morning and see him smile and say "Mama," stretching his arms out to me. I have the privilege of being his mommy, and knowing there is a woman out there who made the impossibly difficult decision to let him go, I will never take my job as his mother for granted. 

I don't think I have any set New Year's Resolutions. Perhaps set aside a bit more time to sew? The hubby very much thinks I should open up my own Etsy shop, but I'm still skeptical that anyone would actually pay money for the things I make. I mean, Lila liked her Christmas dress and all, but would she buy it? Not so sure...


  1. Oh my goodness!! I miss Lila!! That reaction to "Wheezie" was the best. I played it for Ezra and he was totally wide eyed. :) Such sweet photos of the two of them together.

  2. so sweet! Thanks for sharing, and uh, it's worth trying the etsy shop, you've got skills!
