Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Things I finally completed...

It's a rare thing these days to be able to set out to do something and actually DO IT. So, I will trumpet from the rooftops my recent accomplishments:

1. I finally did Lila's entire head in cornrows. Ok, so it took me 4 days (as I was limited to Elijah's morning nap), but it looked fabulous, if I do say so myself. Pictures are coming, I promise. Lila was very very pleased with her braids and beads. As a surprising bonus, I could hear her coming the few times she woke up in the middle of the night and wandered into our room.

2. I finished two dresses for Lila!! Both involved buttons and I had been decidedly avoiding those little finishing details. I still don't have much of a system to correctly place the buttons and button holes, although I'm sure Kevin will be able to come up with a very precise step-by-step "how-to" (the joys of having a patient engineer hubby). The dresses are both riddled with errors, but I'm pretty sure I'm the only one that sees them. That being said, even I can say that the dresses are just freakin' cute. Love them. Can't wait to make both patterns in fall fabrics for Lila's first year of preschool! Again, pictures coming.

We had a great couple of days with the most fabulous Miss Alta, Mr Drake & Baby R. As if Lila wasn't already half in love, she was completely sunk (pardon the pun) when Mr Drake played a version of hide & seek in the lake. Baby R's gigantic smiles and attempted fist-eating started each morning off on the perfect note.

Best news ever? My most favorite mamas-to-be jetted off to Ethiopia, met their darling boys, and PASSED COURT!!!! Woo hoo! Congrats Em & Damon, Amy & Joel! Cannot wait to meet your beautiful baby boys.

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