Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round...

Ok, so Lila won't technically be taking the bus, but my little girl is starting preschool next week. It's surreal in so many ways. First, I simply am having a hard time seeing Lila as the little girl she so clearly has become. No more baby fat, no more diapers, no more comforting her during night feedings, no more carting her around on my hip. Oddly enough, it all hit home when I went to get her new shoes. She had gone up from a size 8 to a size 9. The visual difference in the shoe floored me. Add to that she now gets to choose from an entirely different wall of shoes...I was a mess. And I felt a little silly for spending 20 minutes purusing the shoes on the baby/toddler wall. Can we say denial?

I realize I've been absolutely horrid at posting lately. My only free time to do much of anything is during the afternoon nap (going on as I type) and after the kids go to bed. How to use this precious time is not easy. Do I sew? Blog? Read a book? Watch TV? Take a shower? Eat? CLEAN??!! So, I'm working on balancing this all a bit better.

The summer has flown by about as quickly as this naptime. Elijah is growing and growing and growing. Seriously, he's HUGE. Definitely over 20 pounds, and my mother-in-law is betting on 25lbs. Yikes. No wonder it often feels as though my left bicep is just going to explode after a day of carrying him around. We're a bit concerned that he's not even crawling yet, but in every other way he's magnificent. Smiley, happy, great sense of humor, snuggly (my favorite), loves to clap and raise his arms up in the air to the question, "How big is Elijah?" He is a mama's boy through and through, which is just fine with me.


One of our last outings as a family of three...

Aren't those pictures lovely? Taken my my friend, Alta. She always manages to capture on film exactly how I feel about my babies.

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