Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Give me a head of hair...

There is so much going on right now, I think I'll stick with hair until I can sort everything out in my muddled and overflowing brain. So! We last left Lila with adorable but simple puffs. I was thrilled to be able to use those strawberry ballies. After a few days I decided that the pigtails were putting some stress on the front of her hairline, so I took them out (dry) and just spritzed and detangled (with the Blended Beauty detangler...ka-ching!), then finished her curls with the Blended Beauty Jelly Cream. Slapped a headband on and, voila!

Shake those curls! I have found that attempting loose hair from an "up" hairstyle seems to work better than trying it straight from full wet & washed hair. There is definitely less shrinkage, and I am as stingy as possible with the water, using only enough to get the leave-in through.

A day or so later I decided to try a twist-out. I washed her hair in the morning and Lila settled down in front of "Horton Hears a Who" while I put some rope twists all over her head. My intention was to leave them in until they were dry and take them out for the twist out (hence, the parting is not as precise as they should be). But the twists looked so darn cute I left them as is. She's had this style for several days now and it's really stood up quite well. The cloth "rubber bands" are gentle on her hair and easy to take out and tighten, and the twists themselves are crazy easy to re-do if they are a bit fuzzy in the morning or after naps.

And to close, just a cute picture of Lila with my niece, Kendall. Lila is pretty good with her cousin (the competition), but generally does not attempt to play "with" her. Yesterday, Lila was all about Baby Kendall. She wanted to play with her, hold her, kiss cute. I could only capture one picture before chaos erupted, but it's still pretty darn cute:

Those are Lila's old purple fleece pants, purchased by a very overzealous Mommy & Mimi at the Patagonia store in Chicago. But I'd do it again! They come with a matching top and the whole ensemble is so gosh darn cute!


  1. I love those twists! And Kendall is getting so big already. Wasn't she just born? How old is she? (I'm trying to get used to what babies look like/do when they're __ months old :)

  2. You are going to have to start giving lessons! I love Lila's hair in all the pictures.

  3. Pretty twists--Astrid's never stay straightened--there isn't enough weight so they look all wonky. Lila's are pure perfection however!

    Who's the baby? Baby Kendall is a newborn--that baby looks old enough to talk to. Gorgeous, gorgeous girls!

  4. I love the headband look. Lila totally rocks it! If we get a girl I can't wait to go nuts with the headbands.
