Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Not just a white little, tucked in tight little, nighty-night little bed...INSTEAD...

After months of talking about it, we finally put together Lila's big girl bed! It was a spur-of-the-moment decision (made shortly before all stores were closing on Sunday, natrually), but we found a great deal on a twin mattress, and Kevin went and picked up the ADORABLE bedding I had found at Target.

I'd been talking about it frequently with Lila, just putting the idea out there, but she never really seemed to care either way - so we really didn't know what to expect. We certainly did NOT expect her complete and absolute happiness/excitement/awe at the sight of her brand new bed. She kept whispering with reverence, "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!" Here is a of Lila and the bed just after Kevin put it together:

Yep, she pretty much knew instinctively that her new bed would be PERFECT for jumping. Smart little one. Here are some pics of the bed with the adorable Target bedding:

And to cap off a truly lovely couple of days, my wonderful friend, Alta, came for a visit!! It was so so so great to see her again. And now all glowly and gorgeous with a baby on the way! I think Alta is one of the most creative, crafty, amazing people I know, so I was THRILLED that she was here to help me put the decals on the wall in Lila's room. It turned out just perfect, thanks to Alta. I can't wait to see what kinds of amazing crafty things she does with her son/daughter. So, here are the final pics of Lila's new big-girl room!

Truth be told, Kevin and I were a bit teary-eyed when all was said and done. You know they are growing so quickly, but to have such tangible evidence right before your eyes that she's not a baby anymore...sniff...don't get me started.

1 comment:

  1. 1. You're the sweetest.
    2. It was so fun to help with the decals, but I will point out that I KNOW you would have done a lovely job. And that Kevin may have used a level ;)
    3. Thank you for taking me to Babies R Us. It was much less scary with an experienced guide.
    4. I had SO MUCH FUN hanging out with you and Lila, she is such a happy girl, and you and Kevin are great parents.

    And now I'm off to write a post about our visit myself! I'll send you the pics
