Wednesday, September 9, 2009

It starts today...I think.

I've been meaning to start one of these for ages, so here goes! The hubby is out of town, baby asleep in bed (I hope) and this beats watching bad TV, right?

I've been so inspired by my friend's blog (Paige, you are too clever!), and also love reading the Nie Nie dialogues...both blogs focus on topics near and dear to my heart: family, motherhood, the daily grind of trying to raise happy and inspired (and inspiring, I'd hope) children.

I became a mother at age 31 when we adopted our adorable daughter, Lila Rahel, from Ethiopia. She is the center and light of my life. In my past life, I was a very focused classical singer - went to college, grad school, even got my doctorate! And though there are moments where I wonder what happened to that person, I still feel like I'm now FINALLY doing what I was meant to do. Singing "You are my Sunshine" with Lila (as we did in the garden the other day) at the top of our lungs beats any recital I ever gave in grad school. What's lovely is that, whilst singing, she stares intently at my mouth to try and get all of the words out just so. I know it's selfish, but I secretly love that she rarely sings for anyone but's our little secret that she's a natural born belter.

There she is - I got the perfect picture by asking her to jump up and down like a kangaroo. She is also wearing her most fabulous Sesame Street plastic backpack...I practically had to pry it off of her before naptime.
I wanted to have an outlet to remind myself, especially in the evening when all of the craziness has waned and I'm alone in a moment of rare silence, of how lucky I am to have this life, this family, this daughter. And as we begin the long wait for baby #2 (dossier arrived at the agency yesterday morning!), keeping and open heart and calm mind is my goal. I treasure my daughter and husband, and work each day to make sure they know it.

My little piece of happy.

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