Thursday, September 10, 2009

Macaroni jewelry boxes

I want to be crafty. In those rare quiet moments when my mind can wander, I picture myself as one of those moms who makes adorable clothing, knits lovely little hats & mittens, makes their own organic babyfood, comes up with clever and artistic crafts to do with the kids that day. Alas, I am not this person (yet). I have many dust-coated Martha Stewart magazines, and although I doubt my knitting will ever progress much past your basic scarf (one color only, please), I think I might try my hand at a few things. My daughter has amazing, gorgeous, curly, BIG hair. And I find most store-bought headbands for kids to be either waaaaaay too over-the-top girly, or just plain not up to the task of taming my daughter's flowing mane.
My crafty goal is to make headbands for my Lila - there are some wonderful fabrics out there that are just begging to adorn my little one's head. I've discussed my ideas with my husband, and received his much-coveted engineer's seal of aproval. Now all I need is some fabric, a sewing machine, and a wee bit of sewing skills (although I'm not entirely convinced I really need the latter).
As for my lovely daughter, we had an equally lovely day. We had an early start - I dropped her off at the babysitting room so I could make a 9:00am yoga class. The only sad note was that Lila's beloved Miss Sharon was not there. Thankfully, Lila was easily reassured that Miss Sharon would be back next week. Yoga was HARD but refreshing, and I'm glad I finally carved out the time to return to something I truly enjoyed pre-mommyhood.
Today was filled with lots of hugs, kisses, and very earnest "I love you, Mommy" declarations. It still blows my mind the full sentences that come out of her mouth. This morning, when I announced that it was almost time to go, Lila says to me, "No, Mommy. I stay and watch George." This being the George of the curious variety. We hit the playground after yoga (how can 30 solid minutes on a swing be fun???), and then Lila had a blast doing some hardcore showing off for her most precious Ya-Ya and Grandpa, who were kind enough to come over for dinner and bless me with some adult conversation.
Best part of today: it's almost over and K comes home tomorrow!! Ain't no sunshine when you're gone, my dear.

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    Hand Painted Jewelry Boxes
