Saturday, January 9, 2010

2 Years Ago Today

We brought our beautiful daughter home. I remember arriving in Chicago in the late afternoon, surprised to find my Mom & Dad at the gate with a wonderful sign (made by my Mom's students). I can honestly say I have NEVER been so tired in my entire life.

There she is, meeting her Mimi & Papa for the very first time. Can you believe how tiny she was??

Here we are, just about to leave for the airport in Addis Ababa.

I had grand plans to celebrate today, but I think the way it went was pretty darn perfect. I went and got Lila out of bed this morning and she said, "Hi, Mommy. I love you so much, Mommy." Could there be a more perfect start to a day? We all took a nice long nap this afternoon, pet some bunnies while getting Molly dog food, watched Madagascar (while Lila crawled around on all fours declaring herself to be a lion), and then capped off the night with a tubby. Perfection.

I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that 2 years have passed. While I can barely recall my life before Lila, it seems as though my life with her goes at warp speed. A big part of the reason for this blog is so that I can write everything down, remember as much as I possibly can because it goes by SO QUICKLY.

And to end on a truly cheesy note, I love the lyrics to this me it perfectly sums up how I feel about Lila:

If you listen, you can hear
birds sing, and flowers grow.
If you listen, you can hear
my love for you just grow.

I think that when we first arrived home, I was impatient to love and bond with Lila. Now I know that I loved her from the very beginning. And even though it doesn't seem possible, that love just keeps on growing.


  1. Now I'm all teary eyed! You apparently have that effect on me.

  2. Amy's comment made me smile!! I can't believe how tiny she was!! How did your parents get back to the gate? Do tell! Love to Lila!!

  3. They actually flew from Ohio to Chicago so they could be inside at the gate. We had been tipped off that they would be in Chicago, but I was stunned to find them standing there as we walked through the tunnel!
