Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Oh, this is your family and I'm your mom!

Oh how I love "The Dinosaur Train!" It's cute, funny, entertaining, and adoption-themed! It's subtle, not terribly in-your-face, which I really like. Sometimes I feel like adoption-themed children's books are a little too, I don't know, obvious. Whereas Dinosaur Train treats adoption as it is to me, an important part of our family life, but it's not everything our family is, if that makes sense.

The added bonus, the show does touch on aspects of transracial adoption. Buddy (the T-Rex) does not look like his parents or siblings (Pteranadons)...and they deal with this issue in a couple of episodes. Also in very matter-of-fact, non-sentimental ways. Love it.

A small update on Lila's hair: fuzzy! The twists have not held as well as I had hoped. I don't blame the products I used as much as my own twisting ineptitude. I also think that, for twists and braids to truly last, I need to find a more hardcore twisting/braiding/loc product. But the best part is that Lila likes her style, and even asked me last night if I liked her hair. Of course, I GUSHED. We also made a trip to Hair Joy (love that place, love even more the name) to replenish our supply of ballies and beads. Lila requested purple ballies, so we now have A WHOLE LOT of purple ballies.

I plan on taking her hair out and cowashing ("washing" with conditioner) it tonight, then leaving it loose for a couple of days, just to giver her hairline a break. I hesitate to announce this, but I plan on trying cornrows this weekend! Just a few in the front, box braids over the rest of her head. Lila's already excited to have her hair full of pink & white beads.

Now for some comic relief:

Tee hee. I know, completely and totally immature. And it doesn't help to know that Kevin and I were giggling like a bunch of teenagers when we took this picture. It was at the guesthouse in Ethiopia. We were inside when our peaceful afternoon was interrupted by VERY LOUD moaning. Seriously. Loud. And funny (at least to the very mature Grandey family).  

1 comment:

  1. I am laughing out loud at the turtles. LOVE IT!! If we do end up with a girl then I will be knocking on your door like crazy for hair help! I think you are better at it than you give yourself credit for!!
