Friday, January 15, 2010

Horse Anatomy & other musings

On our way to Whole Foods this morning, Lila was playing with her horse figure when she asked, "Mommy, what's this?" I turned to see her pointing at the horse's junk. Gotta hand it to Schleich, they make realistic toys, right down to the junk. Now, I have no problem with talking to Lila about female & male genatalia...I'm all about calling things by their proper names. BUT, all I could picture was Lila showing every person at Whole Foods her horse's penis.

So, I dodged the question at first, mumbling something or other. Lila thought about it for a bit and said, "It's poopie!" Well, I couldn't let that one go, so I finally bit the bullet and told her it was a penis. That the horse was a boy, so he had a penis. To which Lila replied, "A boy penis? OH, RIGHT! A boy penis!"

Later in the day she was frustrated with me for some reason or other and began counting (as I do when she is to stop misbehaving before I reach the number 3). This is what came out of her mouth: "One...two...MOMMY GRANDEY!" If only she knew my middle name, that would have been hilarious.

Purchased some coconut oil and Alaffia leave-in for Lila!! Can't wait to try both and will definitely let you know how they work.


  1. Love this story and all stories in this genre. I swear I could be a 7 year old boy for the joy these stories bring me. :) Did you enter the giveaway on Happy Girl Hair? Totally thought of you!

  2. I did! And there is another giveway on Beads Braids & Beyond! I rarely enter things like this because I soon become convinced that I'm destined to win. Disappointment inevitably follows. But, fingers crossed anyway!

    Oh, and if you like the above story, you'll LOVE the story of when Lila pointed to a pig toy's BALLS and asked me what they were. I honestly had no response. Do I say balls? Scrotum? Sac? What??!!
