Wednesday, March 24, 2010

And party every day...

Is there some kind of nationwide children's nap strike going on? No? Just the kids in my house? Great.

So much for having time to shower today. Am so very frustrated it was either blog or throw something. And it is SO VERY UNCOOL to throw babies these days.

Update: Ahhh, both kiddos slumbering peacefully. I was finally able to shave my sasquatch self. Aren't you all glad to know that?

On a truly vain note, I LOVE the Kiehls Midnight Recovery Concentrate. Lordy, that stuff works! Not terribly expensive (especially when compared to other night cream/anti-aging/anti-wrinkle products). Makes my face feel bright and soft in the morning. So, when I'm schlepping around in sweats and formula-stained t-shirts, at least my face looks FABULOUS.


  1. Reason #101 that I want a child: at least I can blame them when I haven't shaved.

  2. YES, I was going to say exactly what Amy did!! Too funny. Thanks for the night cream tip. :)

  3. Seriously! The pre-baby me would SHUDDER at how I now allow myself to be seen in public. Shudder.
