Wednesday, December 16, 2009

'Cause you gotta have friends

I had such a great time last night. I stayed out until (gasp) 11:00pm last night. That's like 3:00am in mommy-time. The Ethiopian adoption mommies brigade gathered last night for some wonderful food, wine, and company. Michelle & David are leaving in a week (!!!) to pick up their son, Benjamin (who has just about the cutest smile I've ever seen). So, we spent a lovely evening talking about all things adoption: the painful wait, traveling, parasites, formula, post-adoption depression, and the joys & scariness that accompanies new motherhood.

I am so thankful to have found such an amazing group of women. I wish that I had had this when I brought Lila home, but I'm exceedingly happy that I will have such a wonderful (and funny) support system of mommies and mommies-to-be when we bring Elijah home. Adoptive parenting is such a unique experience, it's great to be able to find a whole group of mom's that truly get you. Other highlights of last night: a streching plan for my IT band issues (going to Target to get my roller!!), two adorable chairs for Lila (thank you to Amy...Lila was over the moon!), getting scolded by a 3 year-old that we were laughing too loudly - that was priceless.

So tonight I'm thankful for my adoptive mommy friends. I'm sending good travel vibes to Michelle and my love & support to Emily & Amy, who are showing great strength and grace as they endure "the wait."

One of Lila's funny moments today was her singing (loudly) the following:

"T-Rex (ROAR!). I'm a tyrannasaurus. I'm the biggest carnivore in the cretaceous forest!"

I never thought the words "carnivore" and "cretaceous" would ever come out of my 2.5 year-old daughter. She is, by far, the funniest person I know.


  1. yea! I didn't know you had a blog. I should've guessed since it is basically a homestudy req. It was so fun getting together. I feel so lucky to know you and the rest!

  2. Have you gotten your roller yet? After 10 days of devotion I can do my 2 sets of 15 without wincing too much.

    So glad I finally have you bookmarked!

  3. So thankful for the tribe. Thanks for all of the support
